Cảm biến áp suất Stevens SDX - HOBO T-SDX-93720-xxx-xxx

Cảm biến áp suất Stevens SDX - HOBO T-SDX-93720-xxx-xxx

Mã : T-SDX-93720-xxx-xxx  |  Hãng : ONSET - MỸ
Mô tả
This product is drop shipped directly from the vendor. For custom cable lengths, please contact customer service at 1-508-759-9500. HOBOlink Information
Hotline : 0909 861 064
Email : sales@mekongtek.com.vn


The Stevens SDX (Submersible Depth Transmitter) is a high-accuracy water level/depth sensor that works with Onset’s HOBO® RX3000 cellular weather station to bring your water level data to the web. Suitable for a wide range of level monitoring applications, the SDX is a cost-effective option for remote, real-time water level data collection. It is recommended that each SDX vent tube is protected from water ingress with either a vent tube cap (T-SDX-93030-500) or a desiccant cartidge (T-SDX-93030-010).

Highlighted Features

Note: A calibration certificate is not included with the purchase of this sensor. If you require a calibration certificate, please call sales at 1-800-LOGGERS.

In what environment does this sensor operate?

This sensor operates in outdoor and underwater environments.

What measurements does this sensor support?

The T-SDX-93720-xxx-xxx sensor supports the following measurements: Remote Water Level Monitoring and Water Level

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