Cảm biến lưu lượng và tốc độ gió - HOBOnet RXW-WCF-900/ 868/ 922

Cảm biến lưu lượng và tốc độ gió - HOBOnet RXW-WCF-900/ 868/ 922

Mã : RXW-WCF-900 • RXW-WCF-868 • RXW-WCF-922  |  Hãng : ONSET - MỸ
Mô tả
A complete system requires at least one HOBO RX3000 Remote Monitoring Station, a HOBOnet Wireless Manager (RXMOD-RXW-xxx), and a HOBOnet Wireless Sensor. HOBOnet Wireless Repeaters (RX-RPTR-xxx) can be added to extend the range.
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The HOBOnet Wireless Wind Speed and Direction Sensor records wind speed, wind gust, and wind direction. HOBOnet Wireless Sensors communicate data directly to the RX3000 weather station or pass data through other wireless sensors back to the central station. They are preconfigured and ready to deploy, and data is accessed through HOBOlink, Onset’s innovative cloud-based software platform.

Highlighted Features

Sensor Features

  • Provides average wind speed, highest 3-second wind gust, and average wind direction for the measurement interval
  • Designed to meet World Meteorological Organization (WMO) guidelines

Wireless Features

  • 900 MHz wireless mesh self-healing technology
  • 450 to 600 meter (1,500 to 2,000 feet) wireless range and up to five hops
  • Up to 50 wireless sensors per RX3000
  • Simple button-push to join the HOBOnet wireless network
  • Onboard memory to ensure no data loss
  • Powered by rechargeable AA batteries and built-in solar panel

In what environment does this sensor operate?

This sensor operates in an outdoor environment.

What measurements does this sensor support?

The RXW-WCF-xxx sensor supports the following measurements: Evapotranspiration and Wind

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